Private Mentoring with Shannon Leigh Studios
One Day is $1200 & Two Days is $2000
$500 nonrefundable deposit
(remainder due 4 weeks prior to mentoring dates)
ONE OR TWO full days of learning newborn goodness! First day you will be watching & learning. The second day you will be posing babies under Shannon Leigh's guidance.
Mentoring takes place in Shannon Leigh's studio in Lawrenceville, Georgia
Please email for available mentoring dates for 2016
What You Will Learn
-Posing newborns, soothing & safety
-Picking the right props & styling
-Portfolio building
-Post processing in Photoshop
-Business Advice
-Camera Techniques
-Studio lighting
-You will receive swag bags & vendor discounts! Yay!
What You Will Need
-DSLR and understanding of your camera in manual mode
- 24-70 and 50mm lens
-Laptop is optional
** You are responsible for your own transportation and accomodations
** Lunch, snacks & refreshments are provided
** There is a 60 mile restriction from zip code 30043
Message me or follow the link below to reserve your spot!
Oct 14, 2016, 3:28:46 PM
Gina Bryan - I am interested in possibly a 2 day mentoring session . When will you be doing another class or do you schedule a private session.
Aug 30, 2016, 3:20:48 PM
Nidhi Agarwal - Hi Shannon, I love your work. I was wondering if you have dates available for 2 day mentoring this year.
Aug 12, 2016, 12:12:22 PM
amy rizer - Hi Shannon, I am a huge fan of your work. I own a children's studio in Ohio. I was wondering if you have any time available for 1 day mentoring in early November. I will be in the area. Preferably Nov 3rd or 4th or Nov 7th. Thank you, Amy Rizer
Jun 23, 2016, 2:11:37 AM
Sherri piche - Hi,
Just wondering if you have any dates available for this year for mentoring?