Meorah is absolutely GORGEOUS!! She made mommy and I work. And I mean WORK for these images. Haha! Id say it was well worth it! You can see what she looked like as a newborn and how she looks all grown up! They change so much in a year. Happy Birthday Meorah!
To book your baby session use the contact tab or email me at
Aug 1, 2016, 5:01:41 AM
Carly Moore - Please give me a call. 404-503-7613
May 20, 2016, 5:03:33 PM
Toni Vann - Meo is cute as a button, just like her mommy!
May 20, 2016, 9:41:17 AM
Kia Lewis - Awwwww....Meo is soooooooo gorgeous!
May 20, 2016, 7:06:22 AM
Tina - Awwww my Meo is beautiful .